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unit 2 (HTML STYLE) for computer engineering students( Web Page Development)

Hello friends in this blog post we will learn about web page development Unit:2 HTML STYLE (CLASS:9) engineering students Now lets start.
                          HTML STYLE

  first of all what is Html Style

→ Html Stylesheets described how documents are presented on screens,in print, or perhaps how they are pronounced.

There are three ways of using a style in an Html document:

1.  External Style Sheet
if you have to give same look and feel to many pages then it is a good idea to keep all the style sheeet rules in a single style sheet file and include this file in all the Html pages. you can include a style sheet file into Html document using <link> element. 

Examples :

<link rel="stylesheet " type="text/css" href="your style.css">

2.  Internal Style Sheet
→ if you want to apply style sheet rules to a single document then you can include those rules into that document only.

Examples :

<stylesheet ="text/css">
body{background-color: red;
P{color: red; 20px; font-size:24px;}

3.   Inline Stylesheet :
→ you can apply style sheet rules directly to an Html element. This should be done only when you are intersted to make a particular change in any Html element only. To use inline styles use the style attribute in the relevant tag . 

Examples :

<head> <P style =" color: red; font-size: 24px;">using style sheet rules </P>

                            HTML LIST

   first of all what is Html List
→ Html List are used to present list of information in well formed and semantic way. There are three diffrent types of list in Html and each one has a specific purpose and meaning.

<ul>: An unordered list.This will list items using plain bullets.

<ol>: An ordered lists. This will use diffrent schemes of number.

<dl>: A defination list. This arranges your items in the same way as they are arranged in a dicitionary .

                            HTML Unordered list
→ An unordered list is a collection of related items that have special order or sequence.

Examples :

The output of the above examples will look something like this:

                  HTML Ordered list
→ An ordered list , created using the <ol> tag.
→ Each list item starts with the <li> tag.
→ ordered list contain informaion where orders should be emphasized.

Examples :

The output of the above examples will look something like this:

 I hope this blog is helpful for you in another post i will describe about Html Heading and please follow in this blog
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